Christy Anna

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You Found Me

If you’re reading this, you found me.

And it’s most likely due to my music.

Not to say you couldn’t find me another way — its just I started with that.

I’m known mostly for it. Especially, on this page.

So.. Hi! It’s so good to meet you. If we have met already, it’s good to see you again. I’m Christy. And this blog is an attempt to make up for lost time, to stay in touch with previous fans, and continue to meet new people. Yes, this is shifting gears a little bit from writing songs to writing blogs. But I suppose though, if you are a fan of my music, perhaps you will be a fan of my writing as well.

Let’s back up a little bit, though, for those of you who are new. I’m sure you’re wondering as most people are when they first meet me and hear my songs for the first time.

It’s the $65,000 question. One I am asked at almost every gig.

When did I start?

Of course, I’ve been singing longer than 2018 which is when I started pursing music professionally, but really, who cares about the variety of talent shows and church Christmas programs I’ve sang in over the years. Too many wins, too many losses, too many lumps in my throat, too many anxiety filled nights before a performance, too many to really bother mentioning. I have been singing longer than that. It should be common sense if it isn’t. No one - no singer - begins late in life. I’ve been singing my whole life. It’s a difficult question to answer and a silly question (in my opinion) to even ask. Doesn’t EVERY kid sing as they grow up? Joyfully doing so until an embarrassed adult tells them to shut up and be quiet? For the most part, thankfully, most adults in my life didn’t tell me to be quiet. I don’t know if it was because they also enjoyed music or even back then I was somewhat decent and able to hold a tune. Regardless, I’ve been pursuing music professionally for some time now. So, maybe that’s how you found me. You either stumbled across my Facebook page somehow or you just happened to be at a place I was performing at for a good beer, good food, or a party you were attending. Regardless of how… you found me. Here we both are.

Well, kind of.

I’m more absent now in the music field than before.

2019 was a great year. I had over 130 shows and was projected to skyrocket the following year. I was excited and I felt like nothing could stop the momentum I had.

Then Covid.

I know people had it worse than me. I know people lost their closest family members and friends. I know I had it pretty good considering. But just because my losses that year might have looked different than others, doesn’t mean they didn’t hurt or have any less value. Places I once sang at shut down; some still haven’t reopened. And they probably never will. Some places wanted music but couldn’t afford to pay anything or the government shut them down. And still, some places had to cancel gigs last minute due to a Covid outbreak in their staff or customers. Off stage, my own wedding was cancelled and moved to a later date, but I digress.

It was a difficult year.

Most places are still getting into the swing of things.

I, as well, haven’t quite bounced back either.

The virus isn’t all to blame, however.

Since the year of 2019, my life has changed. I got married (as I mentioned), moved to a new town, bought a house, and had a baby.

A LOT has happened.

I’ve needed time to rest and figure out this new normal.

Thats kind of where this blog comes in.

I love music.

I love performing.

I love the traveling that comes with all of it, too.


I love my son most.

As you might have guessed, shows are more difficult now.

A baby, while many people have told me is very mobile, isn’t the best roadie for long distance trips and late night gigs. It’s hard on both of us whether I take him along or leave him behind, both of which I’m honestly not ready for yet.

My hope is that this blog will suffice. Not as a replacement of my music, as I do hope to get back into with time, but rather as a supplement. That even though it’s not the same as coming to a live performance, we can still - at least - keep in touch this way.

I’m not sure what I’m entirely going to write about.

Maybe this will become a mommy blog and I’ll share all the things I’ve learned. Maybe this will be a food blog and we’ll figure out how to make sourdough bread together because I really, really have a desire to master bread making. Or maybe I’ll write about music things and thoughts.

I don’t know.

But regardless of what I chose, I hope you’ll come along with me and we’ll figure it out together.

Because you found me.

And live music or not, I’m here to stay.